Monday, August 8, 2011

PST Capture Tool Exchange 2010

Administrators have been asked for this for a long time. Finally the toll will be available according to MS Exchange Team announcement. Compact smaller fast Exchange database made most of deployments to success and PST files kept on the network always been headache and challenge for many of us. Once again having such tool will make our job easy… looking forward to get a hold of the tool (-:

“This new tool, PST Capture, will be downloadable and free, and will enable you to discover .pst files on your network and then import them into both Exchange Online (in Office 365) and Exchange Server 2010 on-premises”

As we like to say here on EHLO, we’re always listening for feedback on what we're doing well and what we could be doing better for you. As more and more of you evaluate and deploy the email archiving, retention and discovery capabilities of Exchange Server 2010 and Exchange Online, we understand that Personal Folders (.pst files) remain a challenge for you. You have told us that having the ability to search your network to discover and then import .pst files across your environment is critical, and that you need an admin-driven and straightforward tool for doing these things.

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